Jayvik Gift Exchange

Hello and welcome to the Jayvik Gift Exchange, a Jayvik-themed 'Secret Santa' for artists and writers!We successfully ran this event in 2022 and now we're back again for 2023!

2023 Timeline

Sunday 1st OctoberGoogle form opens for sign-ups
Friday 13th OctoberGoogle form closes (could close earlier if we reach max capacity)
16th to 17th OctoberAssignments sent!
Monday 13th NovemberFirst check-in
Monday 27th NovemberSecond check-in
Monday 11th DecemberThird & Final check-in
25th December to 1st January 2024Gifting period!


Q: What is a Gift Exchange / 'Secret Santa'?
If you’re unfamiliar with 'Secret Santa', it’s a holiday event in which each participant is randomly assigned another participant that they must prepare a gift for, in this case either a piece of fanart or a short fanfic. The gifter remains anonymous to their giftee throughout the event and up to the moment they finally reveal their gift!
Q: Does that mean all gifts have to be holiday themed?
Not at all! When you sign up to the event you will have the opportunity to give 3 ideas for a gift you would like. Your ideas don't have to be holiday themed, we just ask that they are Jayvik themed and follow the event rules.
Q: Will there be a limit on how many people can join the event?
Yes! We going to cap the event at 60 participants. Running a gift exchange like this is a lot of work, so for our sanity we will be closing the Google form once 60 people sign up to take part.
Q: How long will I have to make my gift?
We aim to start sending out assignments on Monday 16th October and then gift posting will take place between 25th December and 1st January 2024. This means you have around 10 weeks to prepare your gift!
Q: I can’t draw or write. Can I still participate?
For the time being we’ve chosen to limit the gifts to either fanart or fanfiction to make it easier on everyone. However, we do hope you enjoy the content posted by our participants!
Q: Is there a minimum word count for fanfic, or any minimum requirement for fanart?
Yes! For fic gifts, we are asking for a minimum of 2,500 words. And for art gifts, we are asking for a waist-up drawing in colour (either greyscale or flat colours will do) with a simple or plain background. These are just the minimum requirements - if you want to write more. or add more details to your artwork, that is absolutely fine!
Q: Why is this a 18+ event?
We have decided to allow NSFW artwork and fic as gifts in this event, therefore we would like to keep the event adult-only for the comfort of everyone. Our Twitter account will also be retweeting NSFW gifts posted publicly and we don’t want that on your timeline if you're under 18.
Q: Any content restrictions on what can be drawn/written about?
Just for the comfort of everyone involved, we are asking that participants don’t request any potentially triggering topics (i.e. non-con, dub-con, incest, adult x minor content) There will also be a 'Any things that you do NOT want to receive?' section on the google form - you can use this space to highlight any specific topics you don't want to see in your gift.
Q: Can I get an extension if I can’t post my gift on time?
If you find yourself unable to meet the deadline due to unforeseen circumstances, please let us know before the deadline so we can contact your giftee so they know their gift will be a few days late. If you think you just won’t be able to complete the gift at all, let us know ASAP as well so that we can contact a pinch-hitter to replace you.
Q: There is an issue with the giftee you assigned me to / my giftee has me blocked / I’m not comfortable with the prompts sent by my giftee, what do I do?
When we send you your assignment, we will ask for you to respond via email within 48 hours to confirm you've received it. It's at this point you need to let us know if you have any legitimate issue with your giftee so we can make changes ASAP. Please do not abuse this system and only ask for a switch if you really need it!
The main point of this event is we want everyone to have fun and spread some Jayvik joy during the winter season, so please- enjoy!!! ❤️


1. As we want to allow NSFW content in the exchange, we are making it a 18+ only event.2. For the comfort of everyone involved, we are asking that participants don’t request any potentially triggering topics (i.e. non-con, dub-con, incest, adult x minor content).3. Absolutely no erasure of Viktor’s disabilities.4. Racism, transphobia, ableism and any other harmful behaviour will not be tolerated.5. If the NSFW is kink heavy, we ask contributors to tag appropriately.6. Before you sign up, please make sure you can commit to this gift exchange. If you think you'll be too busy to create a gift in the 10 week creation period, then we ask that you don't participate. However, you will still be able to enjoy all the gifts posted by participants during the posting period!7. This rule only applies to participants only signing up with a twitter account. Participants must sign up to this event with an unlocked twitter account. If your account is private, then gifters can’t 'snoop' on their giftees during the creation period. Additionally, if you post your gift on a private account, your giftee won't be able to see their gift, and we cannot see it or retweet it during the posting period!8. Artists participating in the event can create their art either traditionally or digitally, but we do ask that the gift is posted publicly on twitter and/or tumblr. So if your art is traditional, you will have to post a scanned copy when sharing your gift.9. Minimum requirement for art gifts: waist-up drawing in colour (either greyscale or flat colours will do) with a simple or plain background. These are just the minimum requirements - if you want to add more details to your artwork, that is absolutely fine!10. Minimum requirement for fic gifts: 2,500 word fic. If you want to go over the word limit, then that's no problem! But please don’t write less than 2.5k words.11. And the most important rule... have fun! ❤️

Mods for 2023

Lemon Mango (they/them)@lemonmangoes
Lex (he/him, they/them)@SandskillArt
Mike (he/him)@Snoocupz
Kieran (they/he/it)@giohexora
Razz (they/them)@RazzleyD


You can email us at [email protected]Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries ❤️

Posting Instructions - 2023

This year the gifting period will take place from Monday 25th December up to and including Monday 1st January 2024.Here is some guidance and advice for posting your gift!Posting on Twitter:
- Twitter allows both SFW and NSFW content.
- When you post your art or a link to your fic on AO3, please tag our account @JayvikGift, use the hashtag #JayvikGiftExchange2023, and tag your giftee (please check the email with your giftee information to see whether they'd like to be tagged or not, and what account to tag).- We are asking participants to tag the Gift Exchange account this year as hashtags on Twitter have become unreliable since the Muskrat took control.Posting on Tumblr:
- Tumblr only allows SFW content. If your gift is NSFW then please share a modest preview on tumblr and include a link to the full piece on either Twitter or AO3. For example: a censored version of your art gift on Tumblr and a link to the full piece either on Twitter or AO3 (yes, you can also share your art on AO3), or a preview of your fic on Tumblr that doesn't contain anything explicit with a link to the full fic on AO3.
- When you post your art or a link to your fic on AO3, please tag our account @jayvikgiftexchange, use the hashtag #Jayvik Gift Exchange 2023, and tag your giftee (please check the email with your giftee information to see whether they'd like to be tagged or not, and what account to tag).- As with Twitter, we are asking participants to tag us in their gift post on Tumblr just so it's easier for us to find and reblog your post!Posting on AO3:
- We have set up a collection on AO3 for any gifts posted there for this Gift Exchange. You can view the collection HERE

- When posting your gift there's an option to 'post to collections / challenges' and if you type in 'Jayvik Gift' our collection for this year will show up!Please be patient!
- While we expect a lot of participants to post their gift on the first day of the gifting period, we have given you all a week to post your gift. Some might take the opportunity to work on their gift a little longer, so please don't chase us if you don't receive your gift immediately.
- However, if we reach January 2nd and you haven't received your gift and haven't been informed of any delays with your gift, then please contact us!- We also ask for patience with the Mod team. We will try to retweet/reblog your post as soon as possible, however we are also busy with holiday celebrations so we may not be able to share your work immediately. So please allow us time to share your post, and if we still haven't shared it 24 hours after posting, then please don't hesitate to drop us a message on Twitter or Tumblr, or send us an email. Thank you for your patience!Please be kind!
- Everyone taking part in the gift exchange has worked incredibly hard the past 10 weeks on their gift. We ask all participants to take the time to thank their gift giver, leaving a reply to their post on Twitter / Tumblr, as well as a comment if the gift is on AO3.
- Thank you to everyone for taking part in the Jayvik Gift Exchange! We are so excited to see all your hard work come to fruition! We hope you all enjoy your gifts too! ❤️